Rubs, Spice Blends & Coffee

We use Columbus based companies for our spice blends and coffee.

Terranean Za’atar Spread

Terranean Za’atar Spread


The Butcher & Grocer Chipotle Spice Rub

The Butcher & Grocer Chipotle Spice Rub


The Pepperninja - Ninja Napalm

The Pepperninja - Ninja Napalm


Thunderkiss - Guatemala Antigua French Roast whole bean coffee

Thunderkiss - Guatemala Antigua French Roast whole bean coffee


Dark roast, hazelnut, molasses, cocoa powder, peppery. Have you ever had a high quality single origin dark roasted coffee? This Guatemala Antigua makes a stand out French roast. 1# Bag

Thunderkiss Costa Rica La Minita sundried Whole bean coffee

Thunderkiss Costa Rica La Minita sundried Whole bean coffee


This flagship coffee from La Minita Farm in Tarrazu Costa Rica is always killer. This light roast has the cup of a medium. Intense flavor, maple, fresh orange juice, brown sugar, and lingering Nutella chocolate all layered. Processing is dry fermentation, fully washed and sundried on patio. 1# Bag

Thunderkiss De-caf Cold Brew Coffee

Thunderkiss De-caf Cold Brew Coffee


24 hour cold steeped Thunderkiss coffee in a recyclable milk jug. Brewed strong with coffee roasted to its highest point of sweetness. We aim for rich, sugary sweet, boozy, chocolate flavor. Store this in your fridge. 1/2 Gallon container

Thunderkiss Reg. Cold Brew Coffee

Thunderkiss Reg. Cold Brew Coffee


24 hour cold steeped Thunderkiss coffee in a recyclable milk jug. Brewed strong with coffee roasted to its highest point of sweetness. We aim for rich, sugary sweet, boozy, chocolate flavor. Store this in your fridge. 1/2 Gallon container

Tri-State Cheese Colby

Tri-State Cheese Colby


Woodruff Farms Vanilla Yogurt 1Lb

Woodruff Farms Vanilla Yogurt 1Lb
